Queen of Denmark

The Biggest Thank You



Project Start


Security for the Queen's Tribute Show

In connection with Queen Margrethe's abdication, DR and TV 2 held the touching tribute show "Denmark's Queen - The Biggest Thank You."

In collaboration with RF Experience, who were responsible for the event's security, we installed our mobile surveillance solution. The cameras provided an overview of the area, allowing security personnel to monitor crowd movements during the tribute show.

Inspektion af hegnslinje


Bodycams with Geotagging

Security personnel at the event also wore visible body cams on their uniforms, enabling them to raise alarms quickly in case of emergencies with geotagging. This provided the security team with a comprehensive overview of the event, both from an aerial perspective and among the crowd.

Inspektion af hegnslinje


Seamless Execution

The result was a seamless execution of the event according to the plan. In the gallery, you can see selected photos that not only showcase Denmark's great affection for Queen Margrethe but also highlight the dedicated work we contributed to ensuring a safe and successful event.

A big thank you to our partner RFX and Morten Therkildsen MSc.

Photos: VÆKST Visuals – Johan Stauner Bill.

Inspektion af hegnslinje

See All Pictures from the Event in the Gallery

Let's have a conversation about your security needs

You are always welcome to call or write to us, whether it's for a specific offer or just for advice.

Please note, we only do repairs in Denmark.

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phone+45 70 10 70 77


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