Top-Secure Freezer Room Ready in Record Time
Project Start
An Urgant Task with Vaccines
In the midst of the Corona crisis, KIBO received a task: In four and a half months, we were to help solve a complicated storage problem for vaccines. We took on that challenge—and with a unique effort from several partners and suppliers, the problem was solved in record time.
The challenge was that the State Serum Institute had ordered millions of vaccines. A top-secure freezer room had to be built for them before their arrival—complete with certified security doors and gates, says Michael Kähler, Sales Manager at KIBO.
A Truly Special Task
That having the know-how and the determination to push through is an advantage is brilliantly exemplified by the project from the State Serum Institute. It's one of the reasons why the project won the Process Award at the Building Awards 2023.
"It was a truly special task. I often reflect on it as an example of the challenges one can overcome when really determined. Because there were countless obstacles. Remember how hard all supply chains were hit during the crisis. Ours was as well," says Michael Kähler, adding:
"The success was due to phenomenal collaboration. All contractors, consultants, and the client worked tirelessly and found solutions to every problem. It's a project I look back on with pride today."
"Normally, such a project might take two years. In collaboration with the main contractor, we had to do it in four and a half months, so the freezer room could be ready before the vaccines arrived. We succeeded.
As a company, we pride ourselves on finding solutions to the customer's challenges. We did that here too. The key was fantastic collaboration among all parties in the project,"
– Michael Kähler, Sales Manager
Winner of the Process Award at Building Awards 2023
The magazine Licitationen wrote an article about the project to secure the State Serum Institute's top-secure vaccine freezer when it was nominated for the Process Award at Building Awards 2023.
The State Serum Institute later went on to win the Process Award for the project, carried out in collaboration with, among others, EK Entreprise, NIRAS, and Smith Innovation.
You can read the article in Danish on page 26 here.
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Helt speciel opgave
At det er en fordel at have know-how og viljen til at knokle igennem, er projektet fra Statens Serum Institut et strålende eksempel på. Det er blandt årsagerne til, at projektet vandt Procesprisen ved Building Awards 2023.
”Det var en helt speciel opgave. Jeg tænker tit tilbage på den som et eksempel på, hvilke udfordringer man kan løse, når man virkelig sætter sig for det. For der var utallige benspænd. Husk, hvor hårdt alle forsyningskæder var ramt under krisen. Det var vores også,” siger Michael Kähler og tilføjer:
”Det hele lykkedes på grund af et fænomenalt samarbejde. Alle entreprenører, rådgiver samt bygherre knoklede igennem og fandt løsninger på alle problemer. Det er et projekt, jeg i dag ser tilbage på med stolthed.”