Sports without Noise

Aesthetic and Noise-Reduced Sports


Institutions, Sports Facilities, Municipalities

Project Start

March 2021


  • checkSports Facilities Fencing

  • checkPedestrian Gates


College360 in Silkeborg has used the sports fence SPH 20 to enclose their sports field.

This allows for ball games without the ball flying away or creating noise when it hits the fence.

It fits perfectly into the surroundings, both in terms of appearance and noise.

Artificial turf, integrated into the surroundings

Kulbaneparken in Copenhagen has also used the sports facilities fence SPH 20 to demarcate their artificial turf field.

This allows even the crooked and high shots to be saved, and the whole neighborhood is not disturbed when the ball hits the fence.

Sportshegn til boldbaner og kunstbaner

On the Roof of Brande School

The students at Brande School have also gained a new sports field to enjoy. It is located on the roof of the school, which places significant demands on security.

Boldbane på taget af Brande Skole

The sports field is secured with the welded mesh fence SGH 30 with fixed frames all around. On top of the field, there is a net roof from Norvo Sportsnet. This ensures that no balls fly out over the roof.

Do You Have a Sports Field that Needs to Be Secured?

With sports fences designed for this purpose, you don't compromise on noise issues or aesthetics..

Sikring af boldbaner

Let's have a conversation about your security needs

You are always welcome to call or write to us, whether it's for a specific offer or just for advice.

Please note, we only do repairs in Denmark.

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